Everything I Can’t Have in Luxe, Pacific Northwest Magazine of Interiors+Design, Spring 2016


that backless dress
kitchen set
red metal dangerous door handle
Plexiglas staircase
unite my fear of heights and Plexiglas
half-filled bookcase grass strip on the kitchen island,
like pubes waxed
legs fruit floor poetic wtf stop

apparently bird wings roasting
sliced open fig
face like a tragic little extinct leopard
and a catamaran catamaran catamaran
I have not brought my room to life
I have no bathtub in the garage I have no garage
I have not realized my vision my oasis is not urban
this faucet head not this faucet head
as we are dragged toward the camps
and everything we owned is shot

June 1, 2016

reach: 503.504.2768
stamp: 820 N. River, Suite 104 Portland OR 97227
gallery: blackfish.com

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