Lover of Demons


who meant to write lover of lemons,
now has to field so many messages, coming in all portals
it’s been a nightmare in the sense she has lost control
of her own story but is also responsible for creating it.

Look, these demons do not mince words,
they’re aggressive, entitled, awake at all hours,
aggrieved when they don’t get receipts
of their ghastly nether region pics.

And what happened to the yellow fruit she loved?
It’s been forced into the convent for symbols.
There it hangs like a mournful tumescent planet
far out of reach. One letter. One letter.

April 27, 2023

reach: 503.504.2768
stamp: 820 N. River, Suite 104 Portland OR 97227

©2025 Merridawn Duckler
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