Still Life With Thrifted Object
I feel an affinity for the objects,
many hands touched and one hand
threw away. The discarded anniversary plate
after the adversaries have commenced.
Craps and edges, still cling, relieved of duties.
A jumble of unlike-colored items
that trash talk across eras
what it was to be exalted.
Even contraband was once up to some good.
The piece of the past missed in the present frenzy.
Beauty in uselessness. How a thing
needs to be moved to reveal a value.
The value in what moved us first.
I said to the dealer, look man, this glass,
improbably whole after crazing and contagion
a mother once filled, to satisfy a child’s thirst.
reach: 503.504.2768
stamp: 820 N. River, Suite 104 Portland OR 97227