
#12 – Merridawn Duckler

I scatter my enemies
as my god told    me
tho’ not my   natural
inclination I’d rather
leave them    on mu-
te, erase their stupid
faces & srsly escape
up to the  mountains
that cares zip    who
wins (the main goal
o’ mine enemies  to
beat me) since     all
lose to mt’s in  such
category as  majesty
beauty, height & uh
immanent dominion
I’ll climb     winded
as hell   concentrate
on my breathe body
& the fragility I can-
not allow the  least
of my foes to   sight
let alone delight   in
ever binding me   to
my shield, my    god.

April 27, 2023

reach: 503.504.2768
stamp: 820 N. River, Suite 104 Portland OR 97227

©2025 Merridawn Duckler
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