The Frank Stella Irrespective


“Do you still call these things paintings?”
“Yes, they are, in fact, paintings.”

I am not your window.
I am your door painter.

I am your poor, yearning to be me.
Take off the audio-guide and step on it.

I pick colors that follow the race circuit.
My biography is cartography.

I am straight from the can.
My Jewish gates are closed open to you.

I will destroy the old villages with a protractor.
I found the object that you lost in Russia in 1933.

I married a birder.
Yes, she was, in fact, a passionate birder.

I wept in jail from an anecdote that made others laugh.
See how the picture plane gives it both ways?

I am not a mirror.
I am your mirror.

I kept one hand on the wall, it was hard to give it up.
I have changed everything with a tiny cut.

Most of all, the painting is an argument.
and I am the one who has to be convinced.

September 20, 2017

reach: 503.504.2768
stamp: 820 N. River, Suite 104 Portland OR 97227

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